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How it all began

It was all because of him

So one day I was having a conversation with my husband about how I started writing, about how I get my characters to speak to me. When suddenly I realized it was all because of him that my characters speak to me now.

It started when I was roughly 12years old. I received my first composition notebook which was supposed to be for note-taking at school but I decided to use it as a journal instead. That's basically where my passion for writing started. I would mostly write about how crappy my day was, as is with most teenagers but every once in awhile I would let a poem out or write a letter to some random person I would make up that was in a war that has long gone ended. As I got older the journaling continued and my characters begged and begged to come out, but at the time I was unable to release them into the world.


I was able to write poetry for a time and in a lot of ways this helped me grow as a writer and as a person, but I still wasn't ready to let the characters in my head speak. I wasn't ready to write a story. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't make a story.


Then I discovered fanfiction. And not just any fanfiction, I discovered Twilight fanfiction. Now for most people who read Twilight fanfiction at the tail end of reading the books or watching the movies, they wanted a continuation of the story. Wanting to see how Jacob and Renesmee ended up, or just whatever adventures Bella and Edward could get into. That wasn't the case for me. I actually found these stories quite boring but was still intrigued as to how these borrowed characters could be used for one's own story. Then I discovered there was a genre solely dedicated to the mafia.


Now I was never one for the mafia, or for the dark side of romance, but I discovered a mafia-related fanfiction that literally pulled me in and I refused to find my way out. I was hooked! I would obsess over these stories, read them day and night, I honestly couldn't get enough. Then one day I got the bright idea if they could do it, then I could do it. So I did.


I wrote my first fanfiction which was very poorly written, insanely cheesy and took me four years to write. I didn't really expect anything to come of it, I just wanted to see how burrowed characters could speak to me and if I could get my original characters to do the same.


Well, the unexpected happened. People read it. And not only did they read it, but they liked it. I was able to write a story with these borrowed characters and people actually liked it. Talk about being shell shocked. However, I still wasn't able to release my own characters.


I wanted to. I had idea's in my head going left and right, but I was unable to put it to paper, no matter what I did and it wasn't until I had this conversation with my husband that I discovered why.


It was my journaling that kept me from being able to release my characters into this world. You see I had a really tough life that I'm not going to get into, and journaling was my way of coping. It was my outlet, it allowed me to function as a human being and not wallow around like a robot. However, I had no idea that journaling and writing stories at the same time were not an option for me. I can't explain why, but my brain will only allow for one, not for both.


Then one day I no longer want to journal. I didn't want to journal because I had no need to. I'm no longer depressed, I no longer need an outlet, because I'm happy. I became happy the day I started dating my husband. I guess you can say he was my cure, because soon after the journaling stopped, my characters, my stories, were finally ready to come to light. 


So here I am, married, just finished my first book, working on my second book while raising my son and baking a daughter that'll make her debut sooner rather than later.


I write what feels right and my first story is all about finding that second chance that you'd never thought you'd get. No not mafia related. But that doesn't mean I won't go down that road someday. For now, though I hope you enjoy this story, and you keep coming back. Because these characters have been waiting a very long time to make their voices heard, and I'm finally able to give them their chance.   



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